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Ginieis, M., Hernández-Lara, A. B. & Sánchez-Rebull, M. V. (2020). Influence of airlines’ size and labour costs on profitability. Aviation, 24(4), 157-168. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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Influence of airlines’ size and labour costs on profitability
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Board effects on innovation in family and non-family business
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Innovation skills training in a lifelong learning programme for unemployed people, in Catalonia (Spain)
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Quality improvement in healthcare: Six Sigma systematic review
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Research on sharing economy: why are some articles more cited than others?
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Analysis of Push and Pull Motivations and the Intentions to Return and Recommend a Coastal or Marine Destination
Maghsoudi, T., Cascón-Pereira, R. & Hernández-Lara, A. B. (2020). The role of collaborative healthcare in improving social sustainability: A conceptual framework. Sustainability, (12), 3195. [More] [DOI][Digital version]
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The role of collaborative healthcare in improving social sustainability: A conceptual framework
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