The research group ASO is an interdisciplinary group with 11 researchers from disciplines such as Sociology, Business Management, Psychology and Marketing. ASO also has collaborators from other Catalan universities such as UOC (Open University of Catalonia), UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and University of Lleida. The research group belongs to the Business Management Department of University Rovira i Virgili. Its aim is to develop social science research from an interdisciplinary perspective. Specifically, it analyses the organizational and social structures and processes with the aim of achieving more sustainable organizations and societies.
ASO is organized in two broad research topics that include several sub-topics:
Socio-organizational processes · Organizational changes in private and public organizations |
Globalization and Social Change · Woman and Gender Studies |
Internationalisation processThe Catalan Government recognized ASO as a Consolidated Research Group in 2009 (SGR2009 310), 2014 (SGR2014 819), 2017 (SGR2017 911), and 2021 (SGR2021 00630) which distinguish the quality of the projects and scientific outputs. Currently, the group is focused on a process of internacionalisation: we cooperate in scientific and education projects with other universities and research centers from Spain, Europe and Latin America.
International Journal of Organizations
ASO launched a new academic journal in 2007, the International Journal of Organizations, which is published twice a year, and supported by the Ibero-american Association of Organizational Sociology. The journal has an academical and professional orientation and it is directed at people interested in the organizational analysis in different social and economic contexts.
Get further information about:
The group members
Research projects in progress
PhD Thesis