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  • Literacies and Occupation in the Digital Era

    Project leaders

    Alarcón, Amado ; Hernández-Lara, Ana B.; Cascón-Pereira, Rosalia

    PID2021-122575NB-I00 Plan Estatal I+D+i 2021

    ALODIGI, through an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research team, examines how 21st-century literacies affect occupationalprofiles in the digital age, where the information becomes raw material, tool, and product. Since information is linguistically encoded,literacies become key competencies for companies and working people, as well as for social prosperity. ALODIGI will develop two newdatabases (BBDD) based on previous research projects (CSO2015-64247-P, RecerCaixa 2017ACUP-00021) and secondary information,which will make it possible to relate literacies with economic and social variables between territories and occupation groups. Bothdatabases will allow cross-analysis between literacies and socioeconomic data in Spain in comparison with other countries of theOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and between Autonomous Communities (CCAA). In order to test thehypothesis about whether the institutional definitions of literacy influence its appreciation in the labor markets, three social groups areanalyzed according to gender, origin, and age. The new databases produced to promote general knowledge, in open access, will be: First,a Database on Linguistic Intensity of Work in the Digital Age (ILTED) that captures information for the entire International StandardClassification of Occupations (ISCO-08) concerning the literacy needs of working people (including mother tongue, foreign languages,STEM and number language systems, digital literacies, etc.). This DB will include secondary sources related to skills (labor market) andcompetencies (educational system). Second, a database focused on the main Social and Economic Variables with special attention in thedigital age to Computerization, Automation, and Telework (VSECAT) at the territorial level (CCAA and OECD countries). The databaseswill make it possible to compare and relate skills and socioeconomic variables of workers, specifically: 1) the socioeconomicconsequences of literacies for all occupations, paying attention to the target groups and at risk of vulnerability according to gender, origin,and age and 2) the literacies of future professionals trained in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training levels. Through aprocess of co-creation, the impact of the project will involve policy recommendations in the field of competencies demanded by the labormarket of the target groups, and their offer in the university and vocational education and training systems. Through theserecommendations, it is intended to improve the literacies of the beneficiary groups defined in the project as those most vulnerable in terms of gender, national origin, and age groups.

  • Les claus organitzatives i humanes d'una empresa teal: com patentar el model

    Project leaders

    Cascón-Pereira Rosalía
    DI - Doctorats industrials. Any 2021 - Programa finançador competitiu
    Generalitat de Catalunya - Finançador
    Una organització teal es basa en el paradigma teal com a nou model organitzatiu (Laloux, 2014) més eficient, colaboratiu i en sintonia amb els nous reptes actuals socials i laborals de sostenibilitat per permetre la confluència de l’eficiència amb el benestar personal i l’autogestió. En aquestes organitzacions les persones i els processos que generen són el factor diferenciador.
    Aquest projecte té com a objectius: 1) Analitzar les claus organitzatives i humanes per al desenvolupament d’una organització teal. 2) Desenvolupar les eines de mesura qualitatives i quantitatives necessàries per a identificar les estructures, les pràctiques i els processos d’una organització teal. 3) Dissenyar un toolkit per a aquelles empreses que volen seguir aquest nou model organitzatiu i per diagnosticar quins processos requereixen atenció/canvi en empreses que ja segueixen aquest model. 4) Patentar el toolkit per desenvolupar una nova manera d’organitzar-se colaborativament que permeti que les empreses i altres organitzacions assoleixin els seus objectius en línia amb els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenibles proposats per l’ONU, i en particular en línea amb els ODS 3 i 8. Aquest serà l’impacte i la utilitat social d’aquest projecte.
  • Technology-based Entrepreneurship for Supporting Sustainability in MENA Region

    Project leaders

    Hernández-Lara, Ana B.; Xavier Càmara

    Within the framework of Second Key Action “KA2 Cooperation and exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education” of Erasmus+ Programme the joint project “Technology-based Entrepreneurship for Supporting Sustainability in MENA Region / MENA-Preneurs” has started in 2021. Over a period of three years, the Global Responsibility Unit at the International Office at the University of Cologne will collaborate with eight partner universities in the MENA region and in Europe to implement the project objectives. The aim of this project is to create an interdisciplinary diploma degree and training activities in Technology Based Entrepreneurship (TBE) aiming at building a robust entrepreneurship ecosystem that can foster and allow the start-ups and SMEs to play a leading role in economic development's and job creation in MENA region.

  • Compiling and Documentation of Secondary Data on the Basis of International Data Sources for the Research Project “Occupational Tasks and Requirements in International Comparative Terms – Analyses of National and International Data Sets

    Project leaders

    Amado Alarcón Alarcón

    The implementation concept aims to compile several indicators on outcomes from different databases for ulterior international comparison and analysis. It will assist the client to analyse the connection between task characteristics and work organisation and outcomes. The task will be carried out with particular emphasis to specific countries and specific levels of aggregation (region, sector, size of business and occupation) for ulterior merging with the client databases. Original sets of indicators will be provided regarding: economic performance, innovation, spread of technology, employment and labour market, and product quality. Moreover, the team will produce a proposal to operationalise digitalisation and technologisation. The team will gather data indicators from secondary international sources (EUROSTAT, OECD, ILO, LFS, etc.). Thus, the main deliverable will include a compilation and documentation of secondary indicators focusing on the aggregation levels. The compilation will document the metadata of the indicators and its measurement (as a systematic and reliable way to manage data) including a report for potential difficulties and solutions in terms of international comparability across countries and datasets.

    Contracting Partner: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), Bonn (Germany)

  • VAlidating Learning oUtcomes of caregivers in Europe Plus

    Project leaders

    Alarcón, Amado
  • Competencias lingüísticas en la era digital: la mejora de la productividad y la empleabilidad laboral

    Project leaders

    Antoni Vidal; Alarcón, Amado

    Este proyecto diseña la escala de Especialización Lingüística del Trabajo (ELT) y asigna valores ELT a la totalidad de las ocupaciones clasificadas en los sistemas CNO-2011 (Clasificación Nacional de Ocupaciones en España); CIUO-2008 (Clasificación Internacional Uniforme de Ocupaciones) y SOC- 2010 (Clasificación Estándar de Ocupaciones en Estados Unidos).

  • Ocupaciones y Lenguaje. Diseño de la escala Intensidad Lingüística del Trabajo y aplicación a los sistemas estándar de clasificación ocupacional CNO-2011, CIUO-2008 y SOC-2010

    Project leaders

    Alarcón, Amado

    El presente proyecto diseña la escala de Intensidad Lingüística del Trabajo (ILT) y asigna valores ILT a la totalidad de las ocupaciones clasificadas en los sistemas CNO-2011 (Clasificación Nacional de Ocupaciones en España); CIUO-2008 (Clasificación Internacional Uniforme de Ocupaciones) y SOC-2010 (Clasificación Estándar de Ocupaciones en Estados Unidos).

  • Vocational training and SMEs: the challenge of innovation in Catalonia

    Project leaders

    Brunet, Ignasi

    This project aims to explore the relationship between the system of vocational and educational training (VET) and the innovation processes developed by SMEs in Catalonia. The purpose of this project is to analyse the training on innovation carried out by VET centres, what are the innovation skills demanded by companies and what is the role of technical workers in the innovation processes of SMEs in Catalonia.

  • Exploring the impact of International Experiences on Identity: a longitudinal study with organizational expatriates (OEs) and self-initiated expatriates (SIEs)

    Project leaders

    Cascón-Pereira, Rosalia

    The goal lies in exploring the change in the identity of expatriates (organizational or not) following an international experience applying the Repertory grid of Kelly (1955).

  • Language rationalization in the workplace

    Project leaders

    Alarcón, Amado

    Funded by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Spain

    This project analyzes how language rationalization within business organizations shapes ethnic and gender relations. Language becomes a commodity and it is increasingly evaluated in economic terms. One notable aspect of globalization is the increasing importance of worker’s language skills and abilities. Language becomes a raw material in managerial programs. Decisions concern what language and what language properties and styles are essential to minimize transaction costs within the organization and to improve service quality and customer satisfaction. From a sociological approach, our main goal is to understand to what extent these processes of linguistic rationalization of work tend to reproduce social inequalities.