Perceptions of empowerment and motivation as outcomes of a continuing vocational education and training (CVET) programme for adults

Mara, Liviu Catalin; Cascón-Pereira, Rosalia; Brunet, Ignasi
Purpose The focus of this study is to explore the perceptions of motivation for further training and empowerment in future jobs of participants in different training activities under a public programme implemented in Catalonia (Spain), which delivers continuing vocational education and training (CVET) courses for unemployed and for active workers alike. Design/methodology/approach The authors used a mixed methodology approach to study the motivation and empowerment perceived in the sample of participants. From an online survey of 281 participants in a CVET programme from the network of public centres that implement the programme in Catalonia, the authors analysed quantitatively the responses and then applied an inductive analysis for the responses related to motivation and empowerment perceived by the participants. Findings Results show that the participation in this CVET programme has influenced positively the perception of motivation of the majority of participants to enrol in further education or training (80.43%), while at the other end of the spectrum, 18.86% of the participants reported low or no motivation to participate in further education or training. Regarding the empowerment towards their future workplace, 59.43% of participants perceived a high empowerment, while 37.37% reported feeling low-empowered or disempowered. Originality/value This is one of the few studies that takes interest in studying a CVET public programme and its potential impact in generating perceptions of motivation for further education or training and empowerment in the participants. Moreover, its implementation was possible due to the collaboration of the public administration, which disseminated the survey to their students.
Type of Publication:
continuing vocational education and training; Labour market; outcomes of education and training; learning motivation; perceptions
Education + Training
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