Innovation in the continuing vocational education and training (CVET) government-run programme in Catalonia

Mara, Liviu Catalin
Dir.: Ignasi Brunet Icart. The main objective of this doctoral thesis has been to analyse how innovation is trained in the context of a continuing vocational education and training (CVET) government-run programme for unemployed people in Catalonia (Spain), within the perspective of lifelong learning. Although this is a relevant topic for the ‘information society’ that we live in, it has been very little studied, and even less empirically, therefore this study is exploring and laying the foundations for further research in this area. Chapter 1 introduces the theoretical framework of the area of study, limits the study object, it states the objectives and the structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the social impact analysis, including the role of the innovation in the policy documents of the European Union and the UNESCO. Furthermore it contrasts the activity of the CVET programme with the 4 strategic objectives of the EU Strategic Framework Education and Training 2020. Chapters 3 and 4 focus on the analysis of the innovation carried out in the CVET programme by giving voice to the heads of the centres and to the students and former students in this programme, respectively. Chapter 5 discusses the limitations, conclusions and further venues of research. Although it is an empirical exploration of the area of CVET and innovation, the results presented in this thesis can contribute to improving the existing policy and practice in the area of CVET, by further improving what it works and working on what it lacks, and also in other areas of formal education, such as vocational education and training (VET) or higher education, which can learn from the strengths of the type of training analysed in this thesis, and work together towards a better quality education and training for all.
Type of Publication:
Phd Thesis
lifelong learning; innovation
Hits: 6341