Literacies and Occupation in the Digital Era

In progress
Project leaders:
Amado Alarcón; Ana B. Hernández-Lara; Rosalia Cascón-Pereira
Amado Alarcón; Ana B. Hernández-Lara
Proposed start date:
Proposed end date:

PID2021-122575NB-I00 Plan Estatal I+D+i 2021

ALODIGI, through an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research team, examines how 21st-century literacies affect occupationalprofiles in the digital age, where the information becomes raw material, tool, and product. Since information is linguistically encoded,literacies become key competencies for companies and working people, as well as for social prosperity. ALODIGI will develop two newdatabases (BBDD) based on previous research projects (CSO2015-64247-P, RecerCaixa 2017ACUP-00021) and secondary information,which will make it possible to relate literacies with economic and social variables between territories and occupation groups. Bothdatabases will allow cross-analysis between literacies and socioeconomic data in Spain in comparison with other countries of theOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and between Autonomous Communities (CCAA). In order to test thehypothesis about whether the institutional definitions of literacy influence its appreciation in the labor markets, three social groups areanalyzed according to gender, origin, and age. The new databases produced to promote general knowledge, in open access, will be: First,a Database on Linguistic Intensity of Work in the Digital Age (ILTED) that captures information for the entire International StandardClassification of Occupations (ISCO-08) concerning the literacy needs of working people (including mother tongue, foreign languages,STEM and number language systems, digital literacies, etc.). This DB will include secondary sources related to skills (labor market) andcompetencies (educational system). Second, a database focused on the main Social and Economic Variables with special attention in thedigital age to Computerization, Automation, and Telework (VSECAT) at the territorial level (CCAA and OECD countries). The databaseswill make it possible to compare and relate skills and socioeconomic variables of workers, specifically: 1) the socioeconomicconsequences of literacies for all occupations, paying attention to the target groups and at risk of vulnerability according to gender, origin,and age and 2) the literacies of future professionals trained in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training levels. Through aprocess of co-creation, the impact of the project will involve policy recommendations in the field of competencies demanded by the labormarket of the target groups, and their offer in the university and vocational education and training systems. Through theserecommendations, it is intended to improve the literacies of the beneficiary groups defined in the project as those most vulnerable in terms of gender, national origin, and age groups.